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There are currently 1250 residential properties for sale in Rochester, Minnesota with an average asking price of $222,060 (median $174,900) and an average of 142 days on the market, according to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS).
Last week (March 29 to April 4, 2010), there were 13% more active listings than a year ago. There were 80 new listings (a 57% increase over last year), 8 that came back on the market, 4 that canceled, 25 expired, and 13 that extended. There were 51 homes that went under contract to pending (down 12%) and 27 that sold (closed) (down 24%).
Average asking price for the 80 new listings was $213,395 (median $179,900), for the 51 pending listings was $191,545 (median $154,900). The pending listings averaged 78 days on the market. The 27 sold homes had an average market time of 116 days. The average sold price of $180,580 (median $138,500) was 96.5% of the asking price, 93.1% of the original list price.