Good morning!
There are currently 1009 active residential listings for sale in Rochester, MN according to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), with a median asking price of $174,900 and average of 163 days on the market.
Twelve listings sold last week (February 15-21, 2010) with an average sold price of $125,495 (median $117,950), 97.6% of the asking price, just 88.6% of the original list price. These homes had an average market time of 135 days. There were 32 homes that went under contract to pending with an average asking price of $224,375 (median $189,900) an average market time of 138 days.
Last week there 77 new listings and 12 that came back on the market with average list price of $188,990 (median $158,900) and $223,133 (median $164,900) respectively. One listing was withdrawn, 7 canceled, 12 expired and 14 were extended.