Monday Morning Market Update for Rochester, MN

Good morning!

There are currently 836 residential properties for sale in Rochester, MN with an average list price of $231,090 (median $177,500) and average market time of 182 days.  According to the Multiple Listings Service (MLS) there were 876 homes for sale last week, down just 3% from last year.

There were 18 new listings last week (December 14 to 20, 2009), no change from last year.  The average list price for these homes was $191,608 (median $159,985).  The 5 listings that came back on the market had an average asking price $188,560 (median $174,900) and an average of 247 days on the market.  There were 17 listings that cancelled, 6 that expired and 16 that extended.

The 17 pending listings had an average asking price of $251,329 (median $164,900) and an average market time of 174 days.  These listings were down 41% from the same time period last year.

There were 13 homes that sold last week, down 19% from last year.   The average sale price of $189,500 (median $152,000) was 100.16% of the asking price, 94.14% of the original asking price.  These homes averaged 123 days on the market.

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