Monday Morning Rochester MN Real Estate Update

Good morning!

There are currently 1083 residential properties for sale in Rochester, Minnesota, with an average list price of $229,183 (median $176,500) and an average of 147 days on the market.

Last week (April 6-12, 2009) there were 70  new listings and 2 listings that came back on the market.  The average asking price was $202,685 (median $161,550) and $304,900 (median $209,900) respectively.  Three listings expired last week, 10 cancelled, and 8 were extended.

There were 54 homes that went under contract (to pending) last week.  Average list price was $164,623 (median $154,900) and average market time was 82 days.

Eight homes sold (closed) last week.  The average sold price of $198,200 (median $153,100) was 97.34% of the list price and 97.09% of the original  asking price.  These homes averaged 89 days on the market.

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