Rochester MN Real Estate Market Conditions (September 15-22, 2008)

There are currently 1022 residential properties for sale in Rochester, Minnesota with an average list price of $240,816 (median $182,000) and an average of 164 days on the market.

Last week (September 15 to 22, 2008) there were 19 homes sold (closed) with an average market time of 183 days.  The average sold price of $178,935 (median $147,000) was 97% of the list price, 89% of the original asking price.

There were 32 residential properties that went to pending with an average of 103 days on the market, average list price of $236,138 (median $165,900), outpaced by 46 new listings and 17 back on the market listings.  Average list price for the new listings was $199,822 (median $159,900); average for the back on the market listings was $246,670 (median $172,500) and an average of 193 days on the market.  Fourteen listings canceled, 25 listings expired, 11 were extended.

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