Real Estate Market Conditions for Rochester, MN (Sept 1 to 7, 2008)

There are currently 1016 residential properties for sale in Rochester, Minnesota with an average list price of $244,764 (median $184,900) and an average of 166 days on the market.

Last week (September 1 to 7, 2008) there were 21 homes sold (closed) with an average market time of 108 days.  The average sold price of $177,912 (median $152,000) was 100.92% of the list price, 95.79% of the original asking price.

There were 33 residential properties that went to pending with an average of 100 days on the market, average list price of $209,696 (median $152,500), slightly outpaced by 37 new listings and 18 back on the market listings.  Average list price for the new listings was $249,196 (median $145,000); average for the back on the market listings was $208,925 (median $164,900) and an average of 200 days on the market.  Seventeen listings canceled, 37 listings expired, 10 were extended.

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