Residential Real Estate Market Conditions in Rochester MN (March 31 to April 6, 2008)

There are currently 1232 homes for sale in Rochester, Minnesota, with an average list price of $235,552 and an average of 155 days on the market.

Last week (March 31 to April 6, 2008) 46 homes went under contract.  Average list price for those homes was $166,823, with an average market time of 81 days.  There were 78 new listings (average list price $218,649) and 12 homes that came back on the market (average of $202,425 and 260 days on the market).  Twenty-one listings expired, eight canceled.

The 39 homes that sold last week closed at 98.1% of the list price, 93.8% of the original list price.  The average sold price was $159,900; average number of days on the market was 141 days.

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