Rochester, MN Real Estate Market Conditions (Oct 27-Nov 2, 2008)

There are currently 935 homes for sale in Rochester, Minnesota.  The average list price for these properties is $227,359 (median $177,777).  These properties have an average of 161 days on the market.

There were 986 homes for sale last week (October 27 to November 2, 2008) with an average list price of $229,579 (median $174,900) and average of 169 days on the market.

Last week, 28 homes sold (went under contract to pending) with an average asking price of $172,807 (median $148,000) and an average market time of 158 days.  There were 30 homes that closed last week.  The average sold price of $186,086 (median $157,000) was 96.98% of the list price, 93.02% of the original asking price.  These properties had an average of 139 days on the market.

There were 35 new listings last week (average list price $188,094, median $153,500) and14 back on the market (average list price $307,235, median $269,900).  Two listings were withdrawn, 17 canceled, 45 expired and 13 were extended.

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