Rochester Minnesota Real Estate Market Conditions (week of 6/16-6/22/08)

There are currently 1129 residential properties listed for sale in Rochester, Minnesota, with an average list price of $240,442 (median $184,900) and an average of 157 days on the market.

Last week (June 16-22, 2008) 39 homes sold (went under contract to pending). These properties had an average list price of $176,496 (median $149,900) and average market time of 97 days. During this time, there were 59 closings. Average market time for these properties was 144 days. At $235,996, the average sold price was, on average, 105.62% of the original list price and 110.32% of the asking price ($213,916).

There were 56 new listings last week with average list price of $205,746 (median $157,900) and 12 listings that came back on th emarket (avg. list price of $207,041, med. $169,900, and avg. mkt. time of 179 days). One listing was withdrawn, 14 cancelled, 12 expired, and 15 were extended.

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